Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Reaction To Being D0xed By Myst3re. A-Hole Revealed My "True Identity & Address"

D0xing (as per Wikipedia) "is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization. This commentary is my reply to several posts authored by the blogger Mystere in which (he believes) he d0xes me.

Or it was my reply. I did write a fairly lengthy post. I almost hit "publish" multiple times. Then I thought... do I really want to convince Mystere that I'm not Anthony Sanders? I mean, it is f*cking hilarious that he has convinced himself of something that is completely wrong. I disputed his claims on WYD, but that only further convinced him that he is right. And that I am lying.

He even created a label for his blog he calls "Dervish Sander Exposed". Apparently this is a topic he plans to devote even more time to. Writing posts for his blog that will almost certainly prove to be extremely funny. The "laugh at Mystere" kind of funny and not the "laugh with Mystere" kind of funny.

"You pulled your pants down and exposed yourself", Mystere said. Uh, no Mystere. I do not know how you arrived at "Anthony Sanders" as my "true identity", but he is not me. I have plenty of evidence that might convince you that you're wrong, but I'm not going to publish it. Keep on thinking I am Anthony Sanders. Please.

Instead, given that Mystere did try to d0x me, I have decided to return the favor. I mean, even though he failed, he did try. And d0xing people is not a nice thing to do, @sshole. OK, so, unlike the 100 percent wrong info Mystere presents on his blog, the info I will now reveal will be 100 percent accurate. Or a percentage near to being completely error free. It is possible Mystere moved and no longer lives at 53o1 Del0ng StЯeet in CypЯess CA, for example.

The image above is the Google Street View of Mystere's address. If he still lives there. Additional research told me that Mystere's real name is Edw@rd Tsutomu En*d0. He is 56, was born on 02/20/1963, is single and works (or used to work) at CЯawford Br0adcasting, a Conservative Radio Network. Specifically KCBC radio, located at 1o948 Cleveland Ave in Costa Mesa CA. On his resume Mystere CLAIMS that he is a production assistant as well as a board/transmitter operator. Also that he has provided "voice over talent".

Some of his relatives include Thomas Akira En*d0 (56), Barbara Reiko En*d0 (58), Kazuko En*d0 (76) and Tsugo Trust En*d0 (95). Mystere's phone number is 714-828-328S.

Mystere may no longer work at CЯawford, however. He might have been fired. That is what Ducky's Here claims, at least.

So, after being fired from CЯawford (or leaving), Mystere (according to his updated profile) went to work at En Associates Inc, an "Architecture & Planning" company located at 3916 Sepulveda Boulevard in Culver City CA (phone #1-310-390-7413).

Edw@rd is allegedly the owner of "En Associates" and holds the position of "pЯesident". Sure. Either Edw@rd went from a longtime position in broadcasting to owning an architecture firm, or he uploaded some fake info to Linkedin to make it appear as though he has an impressive new job.

The image below (on the left) comes from one of Mystere's social media pages. When I noticed that Mystere was posting pictures of mine on his blog (he puts sunglasses on my dogs and thinks it's a sick burn) I examined his pages and harvested all the images I found. The man in the ugly shirt is Edw@rd at work (I presume). The second picture is of Anthony SandeЯs. Or me, if you believe Mystere.

The wrestler Diamond Dallas Page (real name Page Joseph Falkinburg) says (via Mystere photoshopped-in word balloon), "But it didn't happen to Donkey and Mr. E".

What about now? Did it happen now? If so I'm sure you'll agree it is a "good thing". Possibly a great thing. For the record, Donkey's Revenge (aka Donkey) is a Mystere sockpuppet. His other sockpuppets include Яattrapper, Porky Da Badd Ass and Q-Taro (formerly Q-Anon).

Idiot. I wouldn't have went there, except he did first. Clearly he challenged me to dox him. Or Diamond Dallas Page did. Did Mystere forget that people know his name is Eddie En*d0 and therefore info on him would be easy to find? All I had to do was search "Edw@rd En*d0". As opposed to following imagined "digital breadcrumbs" as Mystere did. Explaining why the information he uncovered is wrong.

Note: This post was deleted sometime around 4-21-2019 (a fact I became aware of on 5-3-2019). Not by me, but by (I suspect) someone h@cking into my Google account. While I think the evidence clearly shows that Mystere lacks the brainpower to accomplish such a feat, that does not mean he could not have tasked one of his buttbois to do it. Luckily I was able to restore the post via the Google cache. Although I think what I should do is back up all my posts to my PC. Just in case something similar happens again and there is no Google cache.

Note, 20240414: Mystere got bigly angry about this post and reported it to Google for "d0xxing". According to Edw@rd, this was a reason Google locked WYM. Although Google told me (via email) that WYM was locked for "hate". Then, 18 days after I asked them to re-evaluate their decision, they unlocked WYM. Which (I assume) means that WYM is T0S violation FREE. There is no hate here nor any problems re Edw@rd's "d0xxing" allegations. There is also no p0rnography that requires a "PaЯental Advis0ry" to be attached to this blog :P


01. Minus FJ. February 20, 2019 at 11:25 AM.
I, 4-1, don't give a flying fig who the 'h you are. I'm just happy to know that like so many others, you share the Bernie delusion... :)

02. Minus FJ. February 20, 2019 at 11:35 AM.
btw - I'd reconsider d0xxing a fellow blogger. If anything happens to the person named in this post, the authorities will have no option but to make your life a living hell.

03. Dervish Sanders. February 20, 2019 at 12:38 PM.
It is a GOOD thing to be d0xed. This is per Mystere. I don't know what might happen to him if people know he is an idiot. Surely those around him must already know this. BTW, Mystere libels Judge Anth0ny SandeЯs on his blog by accusing him of being a ped0phile. You think something could happen to Anth0ny SandeЯs if some nutjob reads Mystere's post and believes what he wrote?

Mystere:'s some funny stuff from the blogosphere after 2 vile trolls got caught with their pants down. The first comes from Anth0ny SandeЯs. ... Do you boink boys after sentencing them to juvenile hall, Anthony? (2/19/2019).

04. Irl Hudnutt. February 21, 2019 at 9:08 AM.
This comment has been removed by the author.

05. Rattrapper. February 22, 2019 at 10:29 AM.
MUH MUH MY! MUH MUH MY! You just messed with the wrong guy, Anthony. You attacked Luke countless times over the years, but he didn't know how to fight back. Mystere knows how to strike and when to deliver blog suckerpunches. I also know how to strike back. Donkey's Revenge also learned as well. Pookie Toot Toot attacked several of our blogs a few years ago. We lost one blog, but Mystere started another one with the same name as the old one that got deleted. As for the comments on Wordpress, one of the IP addresses came back to your region. The other IP address came back to Pookie Toot Toot's region. You screwed your own pooch, Dervish. Irl Hudnutt made a wise decision here to delete his retort before screwing his own carcass. Even Irl has some street smarts for a libtard.

06. Dervish Sanders. February 22, 2019 at 4:49 PM.
Mystere = Donkey's Revenge and rattrapper. These are your sockpuppets, along with your new one, Moonbat Hunter.

The comments YOU faked couldn't possibly show an IP in any other region than your own. Because YOU faked them. I don't screw pooches. That's a perversion you indulge in. According to you it's "the pleasure of a lifetime". I saw Irl's comment and we communicated outside of Blogger. The comment served it's purpose so he removed it.

07. This One. February 23, 2019 at 6:43 AM.
Here's one for you, Eddie. Keep being a shill for those who hate you! Fool.

Ohio community blocks permits for Asian market after resident complains about "undesirables".

08. mystere's moonbat slayer club, February 26, 2019 at 1:12 AM.
Hey Dervish? What's my Social Security and Arizona Driver license numbers? You seem to be some kind of "expert" at snooping around. And it seems you've been neglecting posting on your Dervish Sanders blog. Perhaps your readers would be interested in reading the same post on your other blog(s).

09. mystere's moonbat slayer club, February 26, 2019 at 1:26 AM.
OH, BY THE WAY, that house picture on the internet on your street is not your home. You do know that the house posted on the web under Paris Tennessee was a meth lab in your neighborhood. I knew I would shake you up, with you not knowing what I already knew. YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL WHEN WALKING YOUR FLEA RIDDEN MUTTS PAST THAT HOUSE, ANTHONY. You don't want to turn your pooches into "hot dogs" for coyotes.

10. Dervish Sanders, February 27, 2019 at 4:18 AM.
I've never seen that house. I tried to find a picture of the house at the address where you say I live, but Google said no street view is available.

6 Additional Comments
The original post was deleted. These comments were made after the post was republished.

01. Rattrapper. May 4, 2019 at 7:59 AM.
Wow Dervy boy! You're making a fool of yourself by reposting this. You attacked Mystere by falsely accusing him of harassing you, and you post your hate trash again. You just showed us what kind of vile soul you really are.

02. Dervish Sanders. May 4 2019 at 10:14 AM.
Go f*ck yourself.

03. the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. May 4, 2019 at 12:07 PM.
Hey Judge Anth0ny SandeЯs? Did Max hurt your Feelings? LOL!

04. the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. May 4, 2019 at 12:10 PM.
Having a bad day, Judge Antoine? Your boys Tiny Momo and Big Bubba at N@MBLA angry at you for sending someone to them who just turned 18?

05. Dervish Sanders. May 6, 2019 at 3:23 PM.
I have nothing to do with anyone associated with NAMBLA. Not that I know any N@MBLA members. Beside you.

As for the day in question being "bad"... it was actually great. I recovered my post and put it back up. So your desire to see it disappear (and your h@ck of my Google account to accomplish that desire) FAILED.

06. the highly snarky donkey's revenge, a funny high IQ individual with witty quips. May 13, 2019 at 9:47 AM.
Dervish got gored after banging Mrs. 0'Queerboi's bull.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019. wym095.

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